
The Connect for Success program was established to give our members more business! The Chamber offers three groups which meet twice per month.  Group 1 meets the first and the third Friday of the month from 7:15 – 9 am. And Group 2 meets the second and the fourth Friday of the month from 7:15 – 9 am. Group 3 meets the first and third Monday of the month from 11:45 am – 1 pm.

Contact Kristen Luna: 508.753.2924

All three groups meet at the Chamber’s offices at 311 Main Street, Suite 200, Worcester and consist of members from non-competing industries making connections to grow their business through the exchange of qualified referrals and it’s FREE with your Chamber membership!

Just some of the benefits include:

• Making connections and building relationships to grow your business

• Professionals from non-competing industries share qualified referrals

• Ideal for individuals who need to initiate sales but dislike cold calling


Enrollment is offered throughout the year, pending available space.  Because of the exclusivity of industries space is limited to non-competing companies on a first come, first served basis.

Click here to complete the application and the committee will review your request and you will be notified of availability.



Referrals should be businesses you have a personal connection with and are willing to share with a member of the group.

If you cannot make a meeting, it is strongly recommended that you send someone from your organization in your place to fulfill your commitment to the group. (If a member misses 3 meetings within 6 months, he/she is automatically placed on the wait-list so that a new member may join.)



Committee Chairs
Group 1 – First and Third Friday of the Month

Jim Romeo

Commonwealth Consulting Group

Group 2 – Second and Fourth Friday of the Month

Stephen M. Sycks

March of Dimes


Chamber Liaison

Kristen Luna, Membership Sales and Services Representative
Worcester Regional Chamber
508.753.2924, ext. 226

Not a Chamber member?

Join now and take advantage of this valuable experience. Contact Kristen Luna at the Chamber at: 508.753.2924.