Game Changers 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving global economy, the need for a skilled workforce has never been more critical. Access to workforce is essential to maintain competitive advantage and ensure sustainable growth in an increasingly complex market.

Join us on Friday, October 11th for our Gamechangers Business Conference and Expo- Workforce: Finding and Training Talent to Keep Worcester Moving Forward.

This event will bring together industry leaders, employers, HR professionals, and training experts to explore innovative strategies for workforce development and talent management. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in engaging workshops, panel discussions, and networking sessions designed to address the evolving needs of today’s dynamic job market. Join us to gain valuable insights, share best practices, and collaborate on building a skilled and resilient workforce for the future. We look forward to your participation in this pivotal event!

Interested in showcasing your business or organization at our Workforce Resource Fair? Find more information and registration here:

Visit our event page for more information.

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